About Me

I am software developer who has created web applications using Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, React + Redux, and jQuery. Previously, I was a Marketing Analyst at Zicasso, a luxury travel company, after studying Applied Mathematics and Economics at Brown University.

I have always enjoyed solving complex problems, and I look forward to challenging experiences in software development. I thrive in fast-paced, collaborative environments. I love lending my energy and expertise to those around me.

On a more personal note, I love travel, photography, and games of all kinds. It is my greatest joy to bring a smile to another's face, and I am firm believer that continued self-reflection, growth, and learning are critical for happiness.


Techsy Live Git

Techsy is a single-page e-commerce web application inspired by Etsy. The application leverages Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL for an optimized backend and Javascript, React, and Redux for a clean, responsive frontend experience. To provide an intuitive UI, I implemented a complex cart mechanism that allows users to add items to their cart before signing in and utilizes Redux middleware and AJAX calls to seamlessly merge their new items with their stored cart upon login.

Tenori-Online Live Git

Tenori-Online is an interactive musical application built using JavaScript, React + Redux, and jQuery. Based on the popular musical device Tenori-On, this app mimics a music box by looping through a set of notes. The notes, tempo, and volume are completely customizable, allowing users to develop their own original rhythms.

EOS-Redux Git

EOS-Redux is a Redux CLI and framework designed to expedite the process of developing a Redux application by providing a default file structure and a command line interface for generating Redux cycles. Along with several peers, I collaborated to create and polish this framework to make Redux applications as accessible as possible. Currently, EOS-Redux receives more than 500 downloads a day, and I plan to continue to contribute to this package moving forward.


  • Ruby

  • Rails

  • Javascript

  • React

  • Redux

  • PostgreSQL

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • jQuery

Contact Me
